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Better tap this often misunderstood leadership resource, with the unique potential to impact an entire team culture, building team trust and creativity. Explore the importance of authenticity and how to best model it within your community. 

Modeling Vulnerability

Build Trust &
Strengthen Connection



Study Vulnerability with the LC

Our Evolved Leadership model is rooted in ten specific dimensions of a great leader — qualities that aren't always prioritized, and often diminished, in today's business culture. Through connection and inspiration, gain a new understanding of this attribute, and create opportunity to build upon your own leadership practice.


  • Select as one of eight focus areas in our Focused Leadership Experience,
    providing you and your team with an opportunity to model new thinking and spark authentic connection.

  • Choose as one of two in-depth learning areas in our Immersive Leadership Experience, building collective understanding of this essential leadership attribute.

  • Pick Authentic Vulnerability as one of two Personal Development offerings. Better understand vulnerability as a leadership strength and explore the major difference between using vulnerability and BEING vulnerable, in a 1x1 study of Authentic Vulnerability.


It’s important to get vulnerable with the people you work with. When you better understand one another, you’re more likely to successfully work together. Communication, vulnerability, bravery, courage…
all of these things that we spent time on during our sessions have opened up my eyes to how I can be a better leader individually and with a team of leaders. Anyone on a team would benefit from delving deeply into these topics.

2021 participant
Modeling Vulnerability (Evolved Leadership)

Learn More



Topic-specific personal growth
and individual mentorship.

Want to learn more?

  • Center learning around twelve key Evolved Leadership attributes

  • Inspire through story

  • Share insights from a range of culturally relevant & diverse thought leaders

  • Intentionally build trust and deepen connection

  • Keep us all moving, together

The LC Method

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