Our Theory of Change

Positively Disrupting...
Enriching the Terrain
Business norms are shifting quickly in today’s evolving workplace. We all face a great deal of “good work” ahead, to catch up as leaders and to actively build true cultures of belonging.
At The LC, we aim to positively disrupt and enrich the terrain in which business teams develop together, building trust and healthy connection along the way.

The Soft Skills
are the Hard Skills
At the LC, we believe the “soft skills” of leadership are actually the hardest — to learn, to earn, to nurture, and to retain. Yet they are pivotal in driving positive change in today’s complex social and business climate. Typically considered soft in nature, or “nice to have,” they are in fact, the most effective and legacy-building attributes of the best leaders.

Often Maligned
Whether working with individuals, small teams, or across companies, we build trust and connection through the lens of ten specific dimensions of great leadership. Truly understanding and strengthening traits like Vulnerability, Joy, and Compassion, so often ignored and even diminished in the workplace, are the keys to shifting toward a more holistic, diverse, positive — and yes, even more profitable — work life.

More Dimension,
New Norms
Traditionally defined aspirational leadership qualities (e.g. transformational or charismatic) are still important, but should be more dimensional than the limited view that we currently celebrate and reward. Shifting norms toward Evolved Leadership in the workplace requires a more human-centered and modern approach to leading.

Small Ripples,
Big Change
Profound, transformational leadership development cannot be done overnight or in a routine “one size fits all” way. It takes courage and commitment to align around a more radical and enduring change within yourself and your team(s). And it takes organizations who know that a “growth mindset” should mean more than just focusing on the bottom line.