Follow-Up Resources
The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier Longer - Dr. Elissa Epel/Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn
Why We Fear: Unmasking the Emotion That Turns Us Into Winners or Losers in Life and in Business - Henri Hyppönen
Choosing Courage: The Every Day Guide to Being Brave at Work - Jim Detert
Frida Kahlo: Her Photos - Frida Kahlo
Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait - Frida Kahlo
We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love - Robert Johnson (source for harp/sword metaphor)
Fear Makes us Stupid - Henkka Hyppönen
How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team - Amy Edmondson (TED)
A Year to Change the World - Greta Thunberg, IMDB
Frida - Salma Hayek (film, 2002)
Street Gang (Documentary)Â - Streaming Info
NOTE — Some resources may require a subscription to access
Why Hierarchies Thrive - Harvard Business Review
Why and When Hierarchy Impacts Team Effectiveness: A Meta-Analytic Examination - Lindred Greer (Graduate School of Stanford Business)
Leadership Lessons From The Chilean Mine Rescue - Faaiza Rashid, Amy C. Edmondson, Herman B. Leonard
The Extraordinary Presence of Frida Kahlo - Summer Pierre (The New Yorker)
Greta Thunberg Is the Icon the Planet Desperately Needs - Darren Aronofsky (NYT)
The Three Kinds of Executive Courage - Bill Treasurer (Forbes)
Social Support and Resilience to Stress - Psychiatry MMC
The New Paradigm + Bird of Humanity - Barney+Flo(w)
Seeking Language Large Enough - David Whyte
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