Follow-Up Resources
The Heart Aroused — Poetry & the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America (David Whyte)​
Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness (Ingrid Fetell Lee)
The Book of Joy — Lasting Happiness in a Changing World (HH The Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams)
River Flow — New and Selected Poems (David Whyte)
Awe the New Science of Everyday Wonder & How It Can Transform Your Life (Dacher Keltner)
NOTE — Some resources may require a subscription to access
A Two-Year, 50-Million-Person Experiment in Changing How We Work (NYT)​​
Researchers Prove That Awe Lowers Level of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines (Robert Patrick Van Tooke)
Want to be Happy? Then Live like a Stoic for a Week (John Sellars)
There's a Specific Kind of Joy We've Been Missing (Adam Grant)
Resdiscover Joy at Work (Rebecca Newton)
Ubuntu: A Way of Life for Creative Leaders (Rolling Stone)
Nick Cave, Artist (Megan O'Grady - NYT)
Nick Cave Goes Underground (John Vincler - NYT)
The Difference Between Happiness and Joy (David Brooks, Oprah Winfrey)
Let's Talk about Awe (Michelle Shiota)
"Boa Constrictor, Sarah Cynthia, & Unicorn"Â (Shel Silverstein)
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