Holistic Balance 3
Finding White Space
We learned to literally TAKE our time, and explored the Japanese concept of "yutori." We met Oliver Burkeman, who helped us to "live the questions."
Step 1
...to poet Naomi Shihab Nye.
In conversation with Krista Tippit (OnBeing): https://onbeing.org/programs/naomi-shihab-nye-before-you-know-kindness-as-the-deepest-thing-inside/
Step 2
Consider & Journal...
... on the concept of Yutori
What is Yutori to you?
Where in your week ahead can you add more ‘white space?’
What resonates from “the questions…”?

Step 3
Express Yourself
What do you want more of? Less of?
Answer by visualizing a conceptual part of your body that you’d like to impact.
Use something from the natural world to symbolize the “more” or “less” thing.
Illustrate! Collage, drawings, digital — anything goes!
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