Finding North 1
The Generative Path
We aligned around two key goals:
• Seek clarity for ourselves and “elevate our consciousness” as leaders.
• Increase our “thrivability” — for ourselves, and ultimately others.
Consider... & Make a List
What do you want LESS of in your world?
Feel free to include what’s in your personal sphere…
AND (perhaps) what you want "less of" at work.
Take the step of inverting your list. What is the opposite or antidote to the thing you want LESS of?
This is your new “More” list.
What can you add to this? What else do you want to experience MORE of in your universe of work/life?
Select three of your “MORES” that feel especially vital or important
Please share when we get back together.

Create a reminder in a way that resonates.
collage-style art, either physical or digital
freeform draw on a sticky note
write a captivating sentence

Key Content Gallery
hover for controls, click to open, right click to save to desktop

Go Deeper
The Second Mountain - David Brooks
Letters to a Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
Thrivability - Jean Russell
Thrivability: A Collective Sketch - Jean Russell
Resilience Ain't Enough - Jean Russell