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Brand of Me Workshop


What's Your Story?

We helped each other unfold our personal stories, moving through each element of our brand identity.


Part 1 - Positioning Statement

Great positioning language is unique and differentiating, with inherent tension in the words, creating "something new." It should paint a picture of what sets you apart, appealing to a specific niche.

Go for it!

  1. Think about the unique impact you bring.

  2. Then, going deeper on 'what the world needs' from you, declare what you stand for.

  3. Finally, try on different combos of words to find alchemy to create your personal mantra — a memorable positioning statement.

Part 2 - Begin Portfolio Buildout

Fully embracing your exploration of each element in your Personal Brand can manifest in startling and profoundly powerful ways... give yourself the gift of time to finalize each, and then the attention toward a fully-realized presentation of your "Brand of Me."

Work through each personal brand element

  1. Finalize your backstory

  2. Refine and land your values!

  3. Keep working on your Brand Trinity, your Mission, Purpose, and Vision statements.

  4. Ideate on your positioning statement — get creative!

Start your buildout; move it forward

  1. Create a visual deck presenting each element of your brand identity. If it's helpful, begin with the template we provide. (Make it yours! Add photos, swap out colors and type to make it creatively reflect your identity.)

  2. Look out for an email from us landing a time to meet with KHP, to review and refine, and to help you find your way forward.

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