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Session 6
Brand Trinity Wrap Up, & Understanding Positioning
Checking in on your statements of mission, purpose, and vision; exploring the art of positioning.
Part A — Positioning
1. First step — focus on the niche
Think about the unique impact you bring.
2. Explore what you stand for
Go deep on "what the world needs" from you.
3. Find alchemy
Try on different combos of words to land your "secret agent password,' a memorable positioning statement in the form of a personal mantra.
A great positioning statement...
is unique and differentiating
has inherent tension in the words, creating something new
paints a picture of what sets you apart, and appeals to a specific niche
Part B — Portfolio Check In
1. Let's walk it through, together.
An opportunity to look at your portfolio next week in draft state... we can work through any outstanding pieces to finalize!
Key Content
Go Deeper
Al Ries, Jack Trout