Focused Leadership Experience
Follow-Up Resources
The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier Longer Dr. Elissa Epel/Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn
Why We Fear: Unmasking the Emotion That Turns Us Into Winners or Losers in Life and in Business Henri Hyppönen
Choosing Courage: The Every Day Guide to Being Brave at Work Jim Detert
Frida Kahlo: Her Photos Frida Kahlo
Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait Frida Kahlo
We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love Robert Johnson (source for harp/sword metaphor)
Why Hierarchies Thrive Harvard Business Review
Why and When Hierarchy Impacts Team Effectiveness: A Meta-Analytic Examination Lindred Greer (Graduate School of Stanford Business)
Leadership Lessons From The Chilean Mine Rescue Faaiza Rashid, Amy C. Edmondson, Herman B. Leonard
The Extraordinary Presence of Frida Kahlo Summer Pierre (The New Yorker)
Greta Thunberg Is the Icon the Planet Desperately Needs Darren Aronofsky (NYT)
The Three Kinds of Executive Courage Bill Treasurer (Forbes)
Social Support and Resilience to Stress Psychiatry MMC
The New Paradigm + Bird of Humanity Barney+Flo(w)
NOTE — Some resources may require a subscription to access
Fear Makes us Stupid - Henkka Hyppönen
How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team - Amy Edmondson (TED)
A Year to Change the World - Greta Thunberg, IMDB
Frida - Salma Hayek (film, 2002)
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