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Personal Development

Individual Leadership Development 

We offer highly-curated personal development programs, focused on addressing specific leadership challenges and/ or strengths, igniting meaningful growth, and breaking through with integrity. Each session is personally tailored to also include general career and leadership advice as needed. For everyone who steps into this personally rewarding and transformative work — yourself, or folks on your team! — these virtual-based growth series are game changing. 

How it Works

Each personal development engagement with the LC is made up of TWO of the 3-session series below. Alternately, you have the option of the Brand of Me series, which spans across the full engagement.

  • All engagements culminate in a final wrap-up session, for a total of seven sessions per engagement, spanning 14 weeks total.

  • Each session is 50 min, scheduled every other week.

Working through the lens of our ten dimensions of Evolved Leadership, we have built a core and rewarding practice around human-centered individual mentorship. Our perspectives are drawn from our change-agency work and past experience in leading teams, developing individuals, and sparking new thinking.

Want to learn more?

We are happy to offer an initial 30-minute complimentary conversation to provide a base-level framework and to determine the approach most suited to your needs. Click the button at right to find the best available time for you!

Series Offerings

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